Dissertações recentes


  • Impact of Vespa velutina monitoring baited traps on the entomofauna of three protected Portuguese areas (Alexandra Correia)
  • Modelação espacial da invasão pelo peixe-gato-europeu (Silurus glanis): Os casos de estudo da Península Ibérica e da Europa (Rafael Carreiro)
  • Non-invasive genetic monitoring and population size estimation of Iberian wolf Canis lupus signatus in northwest Portugal (Margarida Almeida)
  • Assessing mesocarnivores trophic niche using genetic identification of faecal samples (Hugo Jesus)
  • Effects of seasonal dynamics and habitat shelters on carabid beetle communities (Coleoptera: Carabidae) threatened by drought in the Gorongosa National Park (Mozambique) (Martim Baptista)
  • Population genomic survey of two non-human primate species in Sub-Saharan West Africa (Francisco Silva)
  • Efeito da presença dos habitats não-matriz nos padrões ecológicos espáciotemporais de mesocarnívoros em ambientes Mediterrânicos (Maria Machado)
  • Keep on rolling: demography and breeding of the Critically Endangered European Roller (Coracias garrulus) in Portugal (Nuno Fialho)
  • Does artificial feeding of game species offer complementary resources for a non-target mesocarnivore community? (Rui Antunes)
  • Patterns and drivers of insectivorous bat activity around isolated trees in rice fields of Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) (Gonçalo Fernandes)
  • Nature might need some nurture: slow passive vegetation recovery in Mediterranean abandoned farmland The Baixo Sabor case study (António Vaz Pato)
  • Conservation and biodiversity of insects of the Cesaredas Plateau, Portugal (Tiago Carrapiço)
  • Catfished: how metabarcoding diet analysis increases knowledge on predation by the invasive Silurus glanis (Mafalda Cordeiro)
  • Na sombra do Pinheiro de Alepo: os efeitos da alta densidade de Pinus halepensis nas comunidades de répteis no Monumento Natural Local do Canhão Cársico de Ota (Francisco Veloso)
  • Estudo da distribuição, diversidade e abundância de vertebrados silvestres nos espaços naturais, seminaturais e urbanos do concelho de Odivelas, Portugal (João Cabral)
  • Ecology and conservation of subterranean biodiversity in the Estremenho Karst Massif (Portugal) (Tomás Alves)
  • Physiological and behavioural responses of the white toothed shrew Crocidura russula to environmental stressors (Maria da Conceição Forte)
  • Sowing Seeds, Soaring Feathers: Exploring the role of temporal and spatial heterogeneity in shaping bird assemblages of Guinea-Bissau’s freshwater rice fields. (Inês  Lacerda)
  • Does road proximity influence the structure and composition of ant communities? (Tomás Pinto)
  • Pharmaceuticals in coastal waters: screening and environmental risk assessment (Henrique Mourato)
  • Analysis of habitat suitability for European polecat in Portugal (Miguel Ribeiro)



  • Nature-based solutions to increase rice yield in West Africa: an experimental assessment of the role of birds and bats as agricultural pest suppressors (Madalena Sottomayor)
  • Reactive behavior of mesopredators to large African carnivore cues under community restoration (Mariana Martins)
  • Genetic portrayal of two colobine monkeys inhabiting a continuous forest in Gola Rainforest National Park (Darya Sevastópolska)
  • Landscape features of rice fields as drivers of bat activity: a case study from Guinea-Bissau (Jorge Coimbra)